5th Dimension Healing


Heal Yourself, Heal Your Life
Free Tele-Class
Through the Higher Vibration of the 5th Dimension

Here is your opportunity at no cost to you to overcome the side effects of living in your current reality — also known as the 3rd Dimension. It’s where we all live every day.

The side effects of the 3rd Dimension include:

  • Relationship conflicts
  • Scarcity — never having enough of whatever you feel you need
  • Feeling sad, angry and stuck
  • Everything is a struggle.

Now is your chance to move into the higher vibration of 5th Dimension consciousness. This is where you experience your life more from your Higher Self rather than your 3rd Dimension Ego Self. By experiencing this higher vibration, you can become more loving, forgiving and aware of how to easily heal and resolve issues in your current life.

You deserve it.

Here is your opportunity for a no cost way to begin to live the life you want.

Sign up below for your free tele-class and free Special Report — “3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Raise Your Vibration and Begin to Attract the Life You Want.”

Heal Yourself, Heal Your Life Free Tele-Class
Through the Higher Vibration
of the 5th Dimension

This enhanced tele-class provides an introduction to the energies of the 5th Dimension and takes you on a guided visualization where you can actually experience this higher vibration in the privacy of your own home.

If you have already taken the tele-class, feel free to take it again.

During this 70-minute class, you’ll

  • Find out the differences between your current everyday life in the 3rd Dimension and the higher consciousness of the 5th Dimension
  • Learn firsthand how this higher consciousness can help you create healing for yourself and others
  • Experience a specific guided visualization designed by Barbara Rohde and the Ascended Masters that uses the higher vibration of 5th Dimension to shift issues/problems in your 3rd Dimension reality today.

What Issue or Concern Do You Want to Change Now?

To prepare for the visualization, I encourage you to think about an issue or concern that you currently have in your life. This could be an emotional, health, relationship or almost any other that you would like to change. During the tele-class, you’ll have the opportunity to begin to shift / heal / resolve this issue or concern using the higher vibration of the 5th Dimension.

A recent participant shared with us:

“I was feeling stuck, depressed and worn down. After experiencing the Guided 5th Dimension Healing Visualization, I reconnected with my hopefulness, my passion and my life energy — releasing all that negative stuff. And within a day I started manifesting exactly what I’ve been seeking in my life. And now a few weeks later, good things continue to come my way. I am thrilled!”

Who Is Leading this Tele-Class?

Barbara Rohde and I will have the pleasure of guiding you through both programs.

Barbara Rohde, LCSW, CHT, MBA

Barbara Rohde

Barbara brings 25 years of experience to this work. For the past six years, she has been involved in a rigorous training program led by the Ascended Masters (including El Morya and St. Germain), Archangel Michael and other Advanced Galactic Beings to instruct her in how to play an important role in the shifts in consciousness that are happening now. The 5th Dimension Healing Tele-Class and the Ascension Mastery Training Program came forth from the Masters.

Barbara is also a Medical Intuitive and a licensed Psychotherapist certified in Matrix Energetics and Hypnosis. She studied Energy Healing with Barbara Brennan and other leading healers.

Barbara is able to perceive and communicate with Beings throughout the universe on multiple dimensions – from deceased loved ones on the 4th Dimension, Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings on the 5th through 12th Dimensions, and realms beyond – going all the way to Source. She has assisted many Starseed clients to know their star origins and why they came to Earth in this life.

Her healing work operates from the 5th Dimension Unified Field in which everything is perceived as patterns of energy and she can collapse the time-space continuum causing change to happen “holographically,” i.e., everything, everywhere, all at once. She now wishes to help others gain expanded abilities like these through her tele-class and tele-seminar series.

Peter Wright, CPLT, CHT, LBLT

Peter WrightIn addition to working with Barbara Rohde in conjunction with the Ascension Mastery Training Program and 5th Dimension Healing Techniques, Peter is a Certified Hypnotherapist with 22 years experience. One of only 50 Board Certified Past-Life Regression Therapists in the U.S., Peter is also certified in Michael Newton’s Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and skilled in Spirit Releasement Therapy. Peter earned a Master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania.

Register for the Free Tele-Class and Free Special Report

Register by completing the form below, being sure to include your name and email address.

Please Note
When you submit your reservation, you’ll receive an e-mail with a dedicated dial-in number (long distance charges may apply) along with your own personal access code (only for your use) so you can participate in this tele-class on your chosen date(s).

Use a Speaker Phone or Headset
Be sure to use a telephone that has a speakerphone or — even better — a headset or earbuds so that you can fully experience your guided personal journey into the higher vibration of the 5th Dimension.